Thursday, February 25, 2010

Yoko Ono & John Lennon

Yoko ono & John Lennon



Monday, February 15, 2010

Betty Woodman

Betty Woodman (born 1930) is an American ceramic artist.
Currently she lives in New York City and outside Florence, Italy. A retrospective of her work was exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art from April 25 – July 30, 2006. The exhibit covered her over fifty-year career working with clay and her focus on the vase form. For many years she taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder and was instrumental in the growth of its ceramics program [1] one of the finest in the country.

David Reed

David Reed (b. San Diego, California, 1946) is a contemporary American conceptual and visual artist. He is known as a colorist and for creating long, narrow abstract paintings on canvas that are hung either lengthwise or vertically and feature several images resembling enlarged photographs of swirling brushstrokes juxtaposed in a single painting.

Ann Pibal

Ann Pibal’s paintings feature deceptively simple compositions that utilize geometric motifs such as targets, rectangles, lines, and open cubes. Pibal works in both small-scale and large-scale formats, though no two paintings are exactly the same size. The compositions, executed in acrylic on thin aluminum panels, suggest shifting situations, motion or entropy; there is an active approach to spatial relationships, so that small spaces often denote much larger ones. The geometric figures themselves are sometimes repeated, but with slight differences, juggling accepted notions of symmetry and balance. The sense of play that runs through these trends in the work makes each painting a place where fixed or defined figures and forms become flexible upon closer viewing.


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